
Next UK NEQAS year will start with run middle of May

March 2024 | Middle of May United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) will start next four runs for inter-laboratory quality control in reproductive science of period 2024 - 2025.

Each laboratory has at least one basic licence for UK NEQAS External Quality Assessment (EQA) and optionally for the staff additional individual licences for Internal Quality Assessment (IQA).

Each of the four assessments will be made within a time period of 4 weeks. After that, the correct answers will be published.

With the so called supervisor function the basic licence holder gets an overview of status and result from all participants of their laboratory.

  What's new?
Consensus calculation (correct answers) has been further improved by GameteExpert. A sophisticated algorithm selects misentries and outliers and considers the individual performance of each participant (as better the participant as stronger the influence on the consensus).

An implausible or weak consensus has no or only low influence on individual performance assessment.
  This service will be carried out by the Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS).

The UK NEQAS  Reproductive Science Scheme, which consists of 4 distributions per annum, offers 2 assessment schemes: Embryology and Andrology.
Next distributions which will start in May, August and November 2024 and in February 2025 are open to new subscribers.

Here you can find
 registration form, embryologie flyer, andrologie flyer and participants' handbook.

For more information and registration, please contact

The embryology scheme includes time-lapse videos captured from the EmbryoscopeTM incubator and rolling images from Cronus 3TM for early cleaving to blastocyst stage embryo grading.  
  8 Videos will be displayed for assessment of blastomere and embryo features.

The correct answers of tick boxes are blue highligted. The grey ticks show the answers of the participant.

For number inputs the correct values will be shown and compared with the entered values of the participant (green, yellow, or red dots).
  In another 8 videos the features of blastocyst and embryo will be enquired.

The correct numbers will be shown and compared with the entered values of the participant (green, yellow, or red dots).

The correct answers of tick boxes are blue highligted. The grey ticks show the answers of the participant.

In Andrology scheme sperm morphology and sperm motility has to be assessed.    
  For morphology assessment, in 6 to 8 images will be shown pictures of 24 prepared sperms.

Each sperm can be clicked and assessed.

Also here, the blue highlighted features are the correct answers and the grey ticks show the participants' inputs.
  For motility assessment, 4 videos with moving sperms will be displayed.

Each video of about 2 min length shows samples in 5 to 6 fields.

Per video has to be assessed the motility of at least 200 sperms over all fields.

    In the first part of the assessment report are both the results of the current distribution and the summarize of previous assessments.

The Match provides the percentage of correct answers.

The Grade shows how good is the participant compared with the whole group.

In the second part the development over previous distributions will be plotted.

The blue curve shows the performance of the participant, the geen and red curves the performance of the group.

Above the green curve are the best 25% of the group (top performers).

Below the red curve are the worse 25% of the group (low performers).
